How to choose aluminum screen doors

How to choose aluminum screen doors

11 Aug 2021

1. Choose a side-pull type for floor-to-ceiling windows
Nowadays, the windows of residential quarters vary in width and size. For some floor-to-ceiling windows, moving up the screens is more laborious. Professionals have suggested that if the height of the windows is more than 1.2 meters, the best design when ordering screens is the style of side sliding windows. It is more convenient, the spring pressure generated by the distance is large, and the problem of aging is easy. With the increase of the age of the screen, the advantage will be more obvious.
2. The screen window buckle should choose a metal switch
In general, the screen buckles of invisible screens are on the bottom of the screens. Many application manufacturers buckle the screens into a model. After applying makeup, demagnetization may occur. Some of them are plastic window buckles, which will appear in a short time. For the problem of yarn aging and deformation, for the selection of window buckles, switch metal must be used, which is strong and durable.
3. Lightning of force adjusting device
When buying a screen window, the screen box needs to have adjustable power or can be rolled, because the current curtain screen window screen box is equipped with a spring, no matter how good the quality is, the problem of aging of the device that cannot be recycled easily occurs over time. This kind of adjustment device can easily increase or decrease the force of the spring, increase the life of the screen window, and also eliminate the after-sales maintenance problem of the elastic spring for consumers.
4. There are two kinds of screens, aluminum is stronger
Screen windows are roughly divided into simple and plastic steel screens. Plastic steel screens are generally used by craftsmen and have a service life of about 1 to 2 years. The main application for home decoration is concave screens, and better ones can reach 10 years. There are also many particulars about aluminum used in screen windows. There are many people in the market who use callbacks recycled from waste collection stations to make screen windows. This kind of frame has poor plastic and is easy to fade under sunlight, but the price per ton is lower than that of users with better quality. 1 Around the window, the budgeted yarn price ranges from forty to fifty yuan per square meter to four to five hundred yuan, and there are also thousands of yuan, and the price is disputed. It is recommended that consumers do not choose screens below 100 yuan when buying.
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